Posts tagged politics
100 Reasons to Vote for Joe Biden

From a fellow MoveOn volunteer, here are 100 reasons to vote for Joe Biden for President:

  1. $15 federal minimum wage

  2. Reinstate DACA – allowing new applicants to apply

  3. 12 Weeks federal paid family leave

  4. Universal Pre-Kindergarten/Childcare for ages 3 and 4

  5. Tuition free college for those with household income less than $125,000.00

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Anupam Singhalpolitics
Bloomberg joins the fray

This is what the debates are all about. What an exciting bout! They kept going at each other round after round. A few came out bloody, like Mike and Amy, and one in particular came out on top, Warren. Starting with the six, the weakest links are Amy and Mike. Amy dug herself into a hole with her “are you calling me dumb?” comment and never recovered. She’s toast. Bloomberg’s efforts to spend his own money for Democratic causes are to be applauded, and I cannot fathom a billionaire buying his way in and winning vs Trump.

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Anupam Singhalpolitics
Bernie, Pete and Amy

Biden is down and hopefully on the way out. His African-American support should transfer to another candidate once Obama starts canvassing. Doesn’t have much of a shot against Trump. P/VP ticket pair possibilities:

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Anupam Singhalpolitics
Democratic Front-runners Top 3

Another debate came and went. Pete Buttigieg keeps growing on me every time I see him. His centrist talk resonates. Cory Booker and Andrew Yang sound fresh. Biden has a hard time saying a complete sentence and fumbles badly - he’s clearly too old for this. I like Kamala Harris but her mismanaged campaign and falling poll numbers remove her from the running.

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