Grieving and Monsters by James Blunt

My maternal grandfather - Nanaji - passed away at the age of 94 a few days ago. It was expected and a relief to him and to those caring for him. He was a larger-than-life personality and lived a glorious life but his last year was not pleasant. I was close to him and find myself thinking of him and of his words often. He was a paragon of virtue. His spiritual and devotion to God was his support when his wife passed away 35 years ago. His love of life and above all, education, never wavered. Working another 25 years after his retirement from government service, he was never one to sit still. Every child he would meet would get bombard with math problems, and only after he was satisfied would he say hello.

Once Upon a Mind is a new album by James Blunt. The song Monsters has touched me deeply. I imagine my Nanaji’s kids, my uncle and mom, singing it while taking care of him the last few decades. I don’t know if I could take care of my parents this much. The lyrics are beautiful and haunting, a bit like his earlier Goodby My Lover. Love his voice.

Don't be afraid, it's my turn
To chase the monsters away

I first heard it on the daily morning commute and when it got to this part, I started uncontrollably sobbing. The feelings came gushing out. I layered on my situation onto the lyrics and made it my own. Thank you, James Blunt.

Anupam Singhalmusic